Tuesday, February 23, 2016



Program for Cropping Binary Image : Matlab Code

Objective of the Program:

Program takes a black and white image as input. It removes the black portion and gives the white portion of the image.

Input: Gray or binary image (for example consider the image below)


Output: Gray or binary image (as below)



% read the input binary image 

img = imread('path of image');

% calculating size of the image 

[row col] = size(img);

% removing black portion on top side of the image 
  for i = 1:row
    if sum(img(i,:)) > 0
        top = i;

% removing black portion on bottom side of the image 
  for i = row:(-1):1
    if sum(img(i,:)) > 0
        bottom = i;

% removing black portion on left side of the image 
  for i = 1:col
    if sum(img(:,i)) > 0
        left = i;

% removing black portion on right side of the image 
  for i = col:(-1):1
    if sum(img(:,i)) > 0
        right = i;

% output image  
 output = img(top:bottom, left:right);


Popular Articles:

1. matlab-cropping-binary-image-algorithm

Objective of the Program: Program takes a black and white image as input. It removes the black portion and gives the white portion of the image.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Article on Research for PhD scholars

We are writing this article to motivate research scholars with our little research experience. We hope this article will be helpful to the students who want to join PhD and already joined PhD students.

What is PhD?

  • According to Prakash Iyer, PHD stands for Passion, Hunger and Discipline. He says that in order to be successful in life, one needs to be Passionate about what one wants, have a Hunger to work for it and the Discipline to keep up the work even in the face of adversity.
  • Every one needs PHD to get success in his/her life. (here PHd means Passion, Hunger and Discipline but not a qualification degree i.e Doctorate of Philosophy)
  • When we observe the great persons in the world, all have PHD(Passion, Hunger, Discipline) but not have PhD (Doctorate of Philosophy).
  • There are many evidences to show that winning and being successful in life has little to do with academic qualifications.
    Passion :
    • Do you enjoy what you do? Do you love your work?
    • Passion makes you get out of your bed early morning and get to work to achieve your goals. Not because you have to, but because you love to
    • Passion makes you enjoy the every moment even you are working a long hours for a day. Remember Great things are not achieved through better resources but with passion.
    • Martin Luther King once said: "If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets just as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well."
    • Conclusion : It is important to love what you are doing
    Hunger :
    • Are you really hungry for getting success?
    • we are explaining the need for hunger with a little story:
    • story : one day a young man went to Socrates and said he wanted to get wisdom. "Come with me," said Socrates and took him along to a river. Without any warning, Socrates pushed the man's head under water and held it there. The man did not know what was happening. He struggled for air. He moved his head, flailed his hands desperately seeking to get his head above water for some air. Socrates finally let go and asked him, "What did you want when your head was under water?" "I wanted air," said the man. "Right," said Socrates, "When you want wisdom as badly as you wanted the air -- you will get it!"
    • Conclusion : Passion with hunger is needed to get success in life. (only passion is not enough)
    Discipline :
    • Once you have the passion with hunger, you can achieve success in your life. But to keep on doing right things, time after time after time, one need discipline.
    • Success demands discipline. Commit yourself to become a PhD. A Passionate, Hungry, Disciplined person. Success always calls you.

Conclusion : We are Concluding the article by saying that "A person who want to get (degree) Ph.D (Doctorate of Philosophy) needs PHD (Passion,Hunger and Discipline)".

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